January 29, 2008

Takins a stand for him

There is this incident that always comes afresh to me when I think about standing for what I believe in.

It was in a small local church in a remote village in a state ruled by extreme Hinduism. The church consisted of merely 50 new believers who were new in their faith in Christ. They left behind their customs, traditions and practices of their past. Even though mocked by their relatives who hated them, they continued strong in their faith.

One fine morning, when they were gathered in church, Hindu workers came there and disrupted their gathering and made a havoc out there. They threatened those Christians to forsake Christ and return back to their old faith, otherwise they would have to leave the village and find some other place for shelter. It was a hard time for those believers who choose rather to follow God than these people. Not even haivng a mode of transport available, they packed their belongings and left on foot walking around 75km to another village which sheltered them.

The local evangelists took initiative in talking to the village head in granting them some permissions and relief. However, they were not allowed to return to the village until they forsook Christ. But they were given permission to gather on Sundays in the church there. So every Sunday they made their walk to the church trough 75km of dry deserted roads, all the way, just to worship the Lord together.

Such immense faith and stand for Christ, I find myself hard to understand the purpose behind them doing so. Well they were new believers and would have all the possible reasons for returning back. Also their living and cultural background would have forced them to leave their faith. Also they were people who lived from hand to mouth and not a little poor. But I still wonder at their faith they had in Christ and would not compromise on the things of God.

I find myself ashamed looking back at the so many things I've compromised for the world. Would I be able to take such a great stand daily for Christ? Would ny faith stand firm in such hard testing times? Mya the grace of God more abound on me at that time.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to take a stand. Sometimes those believers from other countries feel oppressed. The USA is becoming more like that. An attempt was made on the church building where I fellowship to fire bomb it.

    Have you ever heard of the book,Sit,Walk,Stand by Watchman Knee. Don't always agree with everything he wrote, but that book helped me look deeper into God's Word on how to stand.

    Watchman Knee was put to death for Jesus sake in the 1930s by the communists if I recall the correct time period.

    Texas Ron Linebarger


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