January 11, 2011

Mission Mhow – the call

It started with a prayer. Long before, a month ago, during my college exams, in the bedroom all alone a prayer seeking for God’s guidance and his will to be accomplished in my life was offered.

Soon after my exams, I would have a vacation for a few weeks. And then it would be that same old story of not knowing what to do during the vacations. And after those few weeks would get over, I would look back wondering how exactly time flew by and not having done anything profitable, It had been in my mind to do something worthwhile this vacation. My friend had suggested that we two do an internship in some company. It sounded good to me, but yet wasn’t convinced about the idea. On the other hand, I had this desire to go and visit and spend some time with some of the servants of God labouring for God in different parts of India. I put both these desires to God in prayer and let him lead me. I shared my desires among my close friend group and asked them to pray about it.

Exams got over on the 28th and I still didn’t have any of these plans of mine working. It was rather hectic during those days, since after my exams had a lot of incomplete work to finish up. However, everyday as and when I remembered I put my hearts desires to God in prayer, hoping that he’ll show me his way and will for me.

I inquired with my friend about the internship plan and nothing much seemed to be happening with that plan. And with the trip plan, I hadn’t yet informed my parents as yet and time was running out. I further didn’t have a clear vision as to where to go. Nepal and Mhow were two of the places I really wanted to go to. Other places were Goa or Jharkand. If I really had to get tickets to any of these places, it had to be now or never. Tickets would soon run out as it was holiday season.

Then one evening, I gathered a little courage and told my mom about the trip I wish to take. She spontaneously told me to pray about it. I was happy that she liked the idea. Soon later I informed my dad too about it. He too looked pleased with the idea. It was the 31st of Dec. My mom, shared this idea with my aunt who readily replied that even my two cousins from Pune, Benji and Blesson, would like to join.

I was more than excited! With no tickets in hand and no plan actually in mind, I searched for trains over the internet to Mhow. And not to my surprise, all trains were full. No seats available in any train!

As i scrolled down the list of trains carefully, I came across this only train, a holiday special, that ran twice every week during Dec – Jan. And there were seats available in it! Immediately I got my dad to book three tickets on this train. The trip was happening!!


I immediately thanked God. It was as if that train was specially running for us exactly to our needs. It felt like God sent a Silas and Timotheus to accompany me  on my journey, when I heard that my cousins were also coming along. It assured me that God was in control and we were in his will. I was deeply encouraged and thrilled!

We left to Indore on 3rd Jan 2011 on our way to Mhow for a week long trip.

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